jueves, 18 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
The current Minister is Mr. Mariano Fernandez Amunátegui who is in the charge since March 13, 2009.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs is the second in hierarchy within the nation in Chile, and if the president of the republic and the minister of the interior are not in the country, is this minister who holds the position of Vice President of the republic.
I would be a good Minister of Foreign Affairs because I know a lot of international issues and I fully understand the protocol of these matters. This job is very difficult to obtain because is a political charge and his appointment reporting directly to the president of the republic. Furthermore, to be Minister of Foreign Affairs will be holding a series of earlier posts in the field of international relations like being an ambassador abroad, Undersecretary for foreign affairs, director of boundaries and borders, etc.
martes, 9 de junio de 2009
The Coronation of Napoleon

The coronation of Napoleon is a painting started in and finished in 1087 by the French Jacques-Louis David, who lived between 1749 and 1825, and was the personal painter of Napoleon the first, Emperor of France.
I saw this painting for the first time when I was ten years in a history book of the Napoleonic Wars.
I like this picture because it shows all the glory of Napoleon at the time of maximum power, when the Napoleonic empire extended from Portugal to the Russian steppes, and from the North Sea to southern Italy.
In the painting you can see the moment when Napoleon crown his wife Josephine as Empress of France, then crown himself humiliated at the same pope who had travelled from Rome to Paris for the ceremony.
The coronation took place at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, 2 march, 1804.
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
Sir Ken Robinson and the education system
Sir Ken Robinson speaks about the education, He tells us that the school does not encourage children to use their imagination, but it focuses on students using pa rational part of his intellect. Therefore, it is no longer developing all kinds of arts such as dance, sculpture, painting, etc. For Ken Robinson the intelligence has three characteristics: is varied, distinctive and dynamic, and that the brain is not divided between an emotional and rational. According to him what he wants the current education is to train good teachers college, and that people should keep their thoughts and instincts in order to achieve the full intellectual development and not just believe what is taught in school is what matters.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
I took this picture of my dog named Freud on December 29, 2008, I like this photo because it shows the first day that Freud came to the house, that day with my sister went looking for it and we liked it because it was very tiny and looked like a teddy bear, upon reaching home my mom was surprised because it was supposed to come the other week but she immediately fell in love with it.
In that picture Freud was 6 weeks and had no teeth, now he has five months and has grown a lot, learned to climb up and down stairs, barking to alert and knows when someone is coming to the house. Freud is very affectionate and playful , every day it wake up at 8 in the morning and wake the whole family with kisses, likes to bite his bone, stealing socks and underwear and then hide it. See you!
Foreign Office website
This is the main website of the Foreign Office of the Republic of Chile. I really recommend this site because it’s one of the most elaborate and interactive of the government. I found this page last year by chance when I needed information about some treaty, but now I surf on this website every 4 or 5 days to follow the dispute of Chile and Peru about the coast border
I like this site because you can know the last news of Chile on international subjects, also you can obtain information of other countries and chileans around the world. Also, the website has an english version in order to facilitate the navigation of foreigners who do not speak spanish.
martes, 14 de abril de 2009
The cell phone
I bought my first cell phone at 18 and today I can’t live without him. I use my mobile all days, seven days at week, but mostly at the weekend.
I talked a lot with my family and friends but I prefer send text messages because is most cheap and quickly. To surf the Internet I prefer the computers or the notebooks because I hate the small screen and the low resolution.
I like the cell phones because in the modern time (twenty one century) is necessary to be in contact with the other peoples, countries, etc. and the cell phone is a window to see and talk with anyone through SMS, Internet, videos.
Without the mobile phone I feel lonely and disconnected of the world, because this little device is part of my basic requirements, like the air and the food. Without the cell phones the world going back at less two decades.
martes, 7 de abril de 2009
My firts post
I don’t like the English but I must learn because is fundamental to get a job. In this day, the globalizations push us to learn new things and the English is one of them.
See you , bye